Trauma is a American medical drama television series that was created by Dario Scardapane starring Cliff Curtis, Derek Luke, Anastasia Griffith, Aimee Garcia, Kevin Rankin, Taylor Kinney and Jamey Sheridan. It was produced by False Mirror Films, Film 44, Universal Media Studios and Open 4 Business Productions also distributed by NBCUniversal Television Distribution.
The series was aired on September 28, 2009 and concluded on April 26, 2010, lasting only one season and 18 episodes.
On May 14, 2010, Syndication decided to cancelled the series after one season.
The show was about a group of paramedics from San Francisco, California.
- Cliff Curtis as Reuben "Rabbit" Palchuck
- Derek Luke as Cameron Boone
- Anastasia Griffith as Nancy Carnahan
- Aimee Garcia as Marisa Benez
- Kevin Rankin as Tyler Briggs
- Taylor Kinney as Glenn Morris
- Jamey Sheridan as Dr. Joe Saviano
Episode number[]
A month after "Trauma" premiered, Syndication announced it would not order any further episodes, but it would broadcast the 13 episodes ordered.
On November 19, 2009, Syndication reversed its decision, announcing it had ordered three additional episodes of the series, bringing the order to 16 episodes; the order was extended to 20 episodes on January 20, 2010, as part of a package of episode orders that followed the demise of "The Jay Leno Show".
The show returned on March 8, 2010 with the season finale scheduled for May 10, 2010.
In early April 2010, Syndication reduced the episode order down to 18 and announced an April 26, 2010 finale.